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- Linux Partition HOWTO
- Kristan Koehntopp, kris@koehntopp.de
- $Id: howto.sgml,v 2.4 1997/11/03 06:27:22 kris Exp $
- This Linux Mini-HOWTO teaches you how to plan and layout disk space
- for your Linux system. It talks about disk hardware, partitions, swap
- space sizing and positioning considerations. file systems, file system
- types and related topics. The intent is to teach some background
- knowledge, not procedures.
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. What is this?
- This is a Linux Mini-HOWTO text. A Mini-HOWTO is a small text
- explaining some business related to Linux installation and maintenance
- tutorial style. It's mini, because either the text or the topic it
- discusses are too small for a real HOWTO or even a book. A HOWTO is
- not a reference: that's what manual pages are for.
- 1.2. What is in it? and related HOWTO documents
- This particular Mini-HOWTO teaches you how to plan and layout disk
- space for your Linux system. It talks about disk hardware, partitions,
- swap space sizing and positioning considerations, file systems, file
- system types and related topics. The intent is to teach some
- background knowlegde, so we are talking mainly principles and not
- tools in this text.
- Ideally, this document should be read before your first installation,
- but this is somehow difficult for most people. First timers have
- other problems than disk layout optimization, too. So you are probably
- someone who just finished a Linux installation and is now thinking
- about ways to optimize this installation or how to avoid some nasty
- miscalculations in the next one. Well, expect some desire to tear down
- and rebuild your installation when you are finished with this text.
- :-)
- This Mini-HOWTO limits itself to planning and layouting disk space
- most of the time. It does not discuss the usage of fdisk, LILO, mke2fs
- or backup programs. There are other HOWTOs that address these
- problems. Please see the Linux HOWTO Index for current information on
- Linux HOWTOs. There are instructions for obtaining HOWTO documents in
- the index, too.
- To learn how to estimate the various size and speed requirements for
- different parts of the filesystem, see "Linux Multiple Disks Layout
- mini-HOWTO", by Gjoen Stein <gjoen@nyx.net>.
- For instructions and considerations regarding disks with more than
- 1024 cylinders, see "Linux Large Disk mini-HOWTO", Andries Brouwer
- <aeb@cwi.nl>.
- For instructions on limiting disk space usage per user (quotas), see
- "Linux Quota mini-HOWTO", by Albert M.C. Tam <bertie@scn.org>
- Currently, there is no general document on disk backup, but there are
- several documents with pointers to specific backup solutions. See
- "Linux ADSM Backup mini-HOWTO", by Thomas Koenig
- <Thomas.Koenig@ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de> for instructions on integrating
- Linux into an IBM ADSM backup environment. See "Linux Backup with
- MSDOS mini-HOWTO", by Christopher Neufeld
- <neufeld@physics.utoronto.ca> for information about MS-DOS driven
- Linux backups.
- For instructions on writing and submitting a HOWTO document, see the
- Linux HOWTO Index, by Greg Hankins <gregh@sunsite.unc.edu>.
- Browsing through /usr/src/linux/Documentation can be very instructive,
- too. See ide.txt and scsi.txt for some background information on the
- properties of your disk drivers and have a look at the filesystems/
- subdirectory.
- 2. What is a partition anyway?
- When PC hard disks were invented people soon wanted to install
- multiple operating systems, even if their system had only one disk.
- So a mechanism was needed to divide a single physical disk into
- multiple logical disks. So that's what a partition is: A contiguous
- section of blocks on your hard disk that is treated like a completely
- seperate disk by most operating systems.
- It is fairly clear that partitions must not overlap: An operating
- system will certainly not be pleased, if another operating system
- installed on the same machine were overwriting important information
- because of overlapping partitions. There should be no gap between
- adjacent partitions, too. While this constellation is not harmful, you
- are wasting precious disk space by leaving space between partitions.
- A disk need not be partitioned completely. You may decide to leave
- some space at the end of your disk that is not assigned to any of your
- installed operating systems, yet. Later, when it is clear which
- installation is used by you most of the time, you can partition this
- left over space and put a file system on it.
- Partitions can not be moved nor can they be resized without destroying
- the file system contained in it. So repartitioning usually involves
- backup and restore of all file systems touched during the
- repartitioning. In fact it is fairly common to mess up things
- completely during repartitioning, so you should back up anything on
- any disk on that particular machine before even touching things like
- fdisk.
- Well, some partitions with certain file system types on them actually
- can be split into two without losing any data (if you are lucky). For
- example there is a program called "fips" for splitting MS-DOS
- partitions into two to make room for a Linux installation without
- having to reinstall MS-DOS. You are still not going to touch these
- things without carefully backing up everything on that machine, aren't
- you?
- 2.1. Backups are important
- Tapes are your friend for backups. They are fast, reliable and easy to
- use, so you can make backups often, preferably automatically and
- without hassle.
- Step on soapbox: And I am talking about real tapes, not that disk
- controller driven ftape crap. Consider buying SCSI: Linux does support
- SCSI natively. You don't need to load ASPI drivers, you are not losing
- precious HMA under Linux and once the SCSI host adapter is installed,
- you just attach additional disks, tapes and CD-ROMs to it. No more I/O
- addresses, IRQ juggling or Master/Slave and PIO-level matching.
- Plus: Proper SCSI host adapters give you high I/O performance without
- much CPU load. Even under heavy disk activity you will experience good
- response times. If you are planning to use a Linux system as a major
- USENET news feed or if you are about to enter the ISP business, don't
- even think about deploying a system without SCSI. Climb of soapbox.
- 2.2. Device numbers and device names
- The number of partitions on an Intel based system was limited from the
- very beginning: The original partition table was installed as part of
- the boot sector and held space for only four partition entries. These
- partitions are now called primary partitions. When it became clear
- that people needed more partitions on their systems, logical
- partitions were invented. The number of logical partitions is not
- limited: Each logical partition contains a pointer to the next logical
- partition, so you can have a potentially unlimited chain of partition
- entries.
- For compatibility reasons, the space occupied by all logical
- partitions had to be accounted for. If you are using logical
- partitions, one primary partition entry is marked as "extended
- partition" and its starting and ending block mark the area occupied by
- your logical partitions. This implies that the space assigned to all
- logical partitions has to be contiguous. There can be only one
- extended partition: no fdisk program will create more than one
- extended partition.
- Linux cannot handle more than a limited number of partitions per
- drive. So in Linux you have 4 primary partitions (3 of them useable,
- if you are using logical partitions) and at most 15 partitions
- altogether on an SCSI disk (63 altogether on an IDE disk).
- In Linux, partitions are represented by device files. A device file is
- a file with type c (for "character" devices, devices that do not use
- the buffer cache) or b (for "block" devices, which go through the
- buffer cache). In Linux, all disks are represented as block devices
- only. Unlike other Unices, Linux does not offer "raw" character
- versions of disks and their partitions.
- The only important thing with a device file are its major and minor
- device number, shown instead of the files size:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- $ ls -l /dev/hda
- brw-rw---- 1 root disk 3, 0 Jul 18 1994 /dev/hda
- ^ ^
- | minor device number
- major device number
- ______________________________________________________________________
- When accessing a device file, the major number selects which device
- driver is being called to perform the input/output operation. This
- call is being done with the minor number as a parameter and it is
- entirely up to the driver how the minor number is being interpreted.
- The driver documentation usually describes how the driver uses minor
- numbers. For IDE disks, this documentation is in
- /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ide.txt. For SCSI disks, one would
- expect such documentation in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/scsi.txt,
- but it isn't there. One has to look at the driver source to be sure
- (/usr/src/linux/driver/scsi/sd.c:184-196). Fortunately, there is Peter
- Anvin's list of device numbers and names in
- /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt; see the entries for block
- devices, major 3, 22, 33, 34 for IDE and major 8 for SCSI disks. The
- major and minor numbers are a byte each and that is why the number of
- partitions per disk is limited.
- By convention device files have certain names and many system programs
- have knowledge about these names compiled in. They expect your IDE
- disks to be named /dev/hd* and your SCSI disks to be named /dev/sd*.
- Disks are numbered a, b, c and so on, so /dev/hda is your first IDE
- disk and /dev/sda is your first SCSI disk. Both devices represent
- entire disks, starting at block one. Writing to these devices with
- the wrong tools will destroy the master boot loader and partition
- table on these disks, rendering all data on this disk unusable or
- making your system unbootable. Know what you are doing and, again,
- back up before you do it.
- Primary partitions on a disk are 1, 2, 3 and 4. So /dev/hda1 is the
- first primary partition on the first IDE disk and so on. Logical
- partitions have numbers 5 and up, so /dev/sdb5 is the first logical
- partition on the second SCSI disk.
- Each partition entry has a starting and an ending block address
- assigned to it and a type. The type is a numerical code (a byte) which
- designates a particular partition to a certain type of operating
- system. For the benefit of computing consultants partition type codes
- are not really unique, so there is always the probability of two
- operating systems using the same type code.
- Linux reserves the type code 0x82 for swap partitions and 0x83 for
- "native" file systems (that's ext2 for almost all of you). The once
- popular, now outdated Linux/Minix file system used the type code 0x81
- for partitions. OS/2 marks it's partitions with a 0x07 type and so
- does Windows NT's NTFS. MS-DOS allocates several type codes for its
- various flavors of FAT file systems: 0x01, 0x04 and 0x06 are known.
- DR-DOS used 0x81 to indicate protected FAT partitions, creating a type
- clash with Linux/Minix at that time, but neither Linux/Minix nor DR-
- DOS are widely used any more. The extended partition which is used as
- a container for logical partitions has a type of 0x05, by the way.
- Partitions are created and deleted with the fdisk program. Every self
- respecting operating system program comes with an fdisk and
- traditionally it is even called fdisk (or FDISK.EXE) in almost all
- OSes. Some fdisks, noteable the DOS one, are somehow limited when they
- have to deal with other operating systems partitions. Such limitations
- include the complete inability to deal with anything with a foreign
- type code, the inability to deal with cylinder numbers above 1024 and
- the inability to create or even understand partitions that do not end
- on a cylinder boundary. For example, the MS-DOS fdisk can't delete
- NTFS partitions, the OS/2 fdisk has been known to silently "correct"
- partitions created by the Linux fdisk that do not end on a cylinder
- boundary and both, the DOS and the OS/2 fdisk, have had problems with
- disks with more than 1024 cylinders (see the "large-disk" Mini-Howto
- for details on such disks).
- 3. What Partitions do I need?
- 3.1. How many partitions do I need?
- Okay, so what partitions do you need? Well, some operating systems do
- not believe in booting from logical partitions for reasons that are
- beyond the scope of any sane mind. So you probably want to reserve
- your primary partitions as boot partitions for your MS-DOS, OS/2 and
- Linux or whatever you are using. Remember that one primary partition
- is needed as an extended partition, which acts as a container for the
- rest of your disk with logical partitions.
- Booting operating systems is a real-mode thing involving BIOSes and
- 1024 cylinder limitations. So you probably want to put all your boot
- partitions into the first 1024 cylinders of your hard disk, just to
- avoid problems. Again, read the "large-disk" Mini-Howto for the gory
- details.
- To install Linux, you will need at least one partition. If the kernel
- is loaded from this partition (for example by LILO), this partition
- must be readable by your BIOS. If you are using other means to load
- your kernel (for example a boot disk or the LOADLIN.EXE MS-DOS based
- Linux loader) the partition can be anywhere. In any case this
- partition will be of type 0x83 "Linux native".
- Your system will need some swap space. Unless you swap to files you
- will need a dedicated swap partition. Since this partition is only
- accessed by the Linux kernel and the Linux kernel does not suffer from
- PC BIOS deficiencies, the swap partition may be positioned anywhere.
- I recommed using a logical partition for it (/dev/?d?5 and higher).
- Dedicated Linux swap partitions are of type 0x82 "Linux swap".
- These are minimal partition requirements. It may be useful to create
- more partitions for Linux. Read on.
- 3.2. How large should my swap space be?
- If you have decided to use a dedicated swap partition, which is
- generally a Good Idea tm, follow these guidelines for estimating its
- size:
- ╖ In Linux RAM and swap space add up (This is not true for all
- Unices). For example, if you have 8 MB of RAM and 12 MB swap space,
- you have a total of about 20 MB virtual memory.
- ╖ When sizing your swap space, you should have at least 16 MB of
- total virtual memory. So for 4 MB of RAM consider at least 12 MB of
- swap, for 8 MB of RAM consider at least 8 MB of swap.
- ╖ In Linux, a single swap partition can not be larger than 128 MB.
- That is, the partition may be larger than 128 MB, but excess space
- is never used. If you want more than 128 MB of swap, you have to
- create multiple swap partitions.
- ╖ When sizing swap space, keep in mind that too much swap space may
- not be useful at all.
- Every process has a "working set". This is a set of in-memory pages
- which will be referenced by the processor in the very near future.
- Linux tries to predict these memory accesses (assuming that
- recently used pages will be used again in the near future) and
- keeps these pages in RAM if possible. If the program has a good
- "locality of reference" this assumption will be true and prediction
- algorithm will work.
- Holding a working set in main memory does only work if there is
- enough main memory. If you have too many processes running on a
- machine, the kernel is forced to put pages on disk that it will
- reference again in the very near future (forcing a page-out of a
- page from another working set and then a page-in of the page
- referenced). Usually this results in a very heavy increase in
- paging activity and in a sustantial drop of performance. A machine
- in this state is said to be "thrashing" (For you german readers:
- That's "thrashing" ("dreschen", "schlagen", "haemmern") and not
- trashing ("muellen")).
- On a thrashing machine the processes are essentially running from
- disk and not from RAM. Expect performance to drop by approximately
- the ratio between memory access speed and disk access speed.
- A very old rule of thumb in the days of the PDP and the Vax was
- that the size of the working set of a program is about 25% of its
- virtual size. Thus it is probably useless to provide more swap than
- three times your RAM.
- But keep in mind that this is just a rule of thumb. It is easily
- possible to create scenarios where programs have extremely large or
- extremely small working sets. For example, a simulation program
- with a large data set that is accessed in a very random fashion
- would have almost no noticeable locality of reference in its data
- segment, so its working set would be quite large.
- On the other hand, an xv with many simultaneously opened JPEGs, all
- but one iconified, would have a very large data segment. But image
- transformations are all done on one single image, most of the
- memory occupied by xv is never touched. The same is true for an
- editor with many editor windows where only one window is being
- modified at a time. These programs have - if they are designed
- properly - a very high locality of reference and large parts of
- them can be kept swapped out without too severe performance impact.
- One could suspect that the 25% number from the age of the command
- line is no longer true for modern GUI programs editing multiple
- documents, but I know of no newer papers that try to verify these
- numbers.
- So for a configuration with 16 MB RAM, no swap is needed for a minimal
- configuration and more than 48 MB of swap are probably useless. The
- exact amount of memory needed depends on the application mix on the
- machine (what did you expect?).
- 3.3. Where should I put my swap space?
- ╖ Mechanics are slow, electronics are fast.
- Modern hard disks have many heads. Switching between heads of the
- same track is fast, since it is purely electronic. Switching
- between tracks is slow, since it involves moving real world matter.
- So if you have a disk with many heads and one with less heads and
- both are identical in other parameters, the disk with many heads
- will be faster.
- Splitting swap and putting it on both disks will be even faster,
- though.
- ╖ Older disks have the same number of sectors on all tracks. With
- this disks it will be fastest to put your swap in the middle of the
- disks, assuming that your disk head will move from a random track
- towards the swap area.
- ╖ Newer disks use ZBR (zone bit recording). They have more sectors on
- the outer tracks. With a constant number of rpms, this yields a far
- greater performance on the outer tracks than on the inner ones. Put
- your swap on the fast tracks.
- ╖ Of course your disk head will not move randomly. If you have swap
- space in the middle of a disk between a constantly busy home
- partition and an almost unused archive partition, you would be
- better of if your swap were in the middle of the home partition for
- even shorter head movements. You would be even better off, if you
- had your swap on another otherwise unused disk, though.
- Summary: Put your swap on a fast disk with many heads that is not busy
- doing other things. If you have multiple disks: Split swap and scatter
- it over all your disks or even different controllers.
- Even better: Buy more RAM.
- 3.4. Some facts about file systems and fragmentation
- Disk space is administered by the operating system in units of blocks
- and fragments of blocks. In ext2, fragments and blocks have to be of
- the same size, so we can limit our discussion to blocks.
- Files come in any size. They don't end on block boundaries. So with
- every file a part of the last block of every file is wasted. Assuming
- that file sizes are random, there is approximately a half block of
- waste for each file on your disk. Tanenbaum calls this "internal
- fragmentation" in his book "Operating Systems".
- You can guess the number of files on your disk by the number of
- allocated inodes on a disk. On my disk
- ______________________________________________________________________
- # df -i
- Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree %IUsed Mounted on
- /dev/hda3 64256 12234 52022 19% /
- /dev/hda5 96000 43058 52942 45% /var
- ______________________________________________________________________
- there are about 12000 files on / and about 44000 files on /var. At a
- block size of 1 KB, about 6+22 = 28 MB of disk space are lost in the
- tail blocks of files. Had I chosen a block size of 4 KB, I had lost 4
- times this space.
- Data transfer is faster for large contiguous chunks of data, though.
- That's why ext2 tries to preallocate space in units of 8 contigous
- blocks for growing files. Unused preallocation is released when the
- file is closed, so no space is wasted.
- Noncontiguous placement of blocks in a file is bad for performance,
- since files are often accessed in a sequential manner. It forces the
- operating system to split a disk access and the disk to move the head.
- This is called "external fragmentation" or simply "fragmentation" and
- is a common problem with DOS file systems.
- ext2 has several strategies to avoid external fragmentation. Normally
- fragmentation is not a large problem in ext2, not even on heavily used
- partitions such as a USENET news spool. While there is a tool for
- defragmentation of ext2 file systems, nobody ever uses it and it is
- not up to date with the current release of ext2. Use it, but do so on
- your own risk.
- The MS-DOS file system is well known for its pathological managment of
- disk space. In conjunction with the abysmal buffer cache used by MS-
- DOS the effects of file fragmentation on performance are very
- noticeable. DOS users are accustomed to defragging their disks every
- few weeks and some have even developed some ritualistic beliefs
- regarding defragmentation. None of these habits should be carried
- over to Linux and ext2. Linux native file systems do not need
- defragmentation under normal use and this includes any condition with
- at least 5% of free space on a disk.
- The MS-DOS file system is also known to lose large amounts of disk
- space due to internal fragmentation. For partitions larger than 256
- MB, DOS block sizes grow so large that they are no longer useful (This
- has been corrected to some extent with FAT32).
- ext2 does not force you to choose large blocks for large file systems,
- except for very large file systems in the 0.5 TB range (that's
- terabytes with 1 TB equaling 1024 GB) and above, where small block
- sizes become inefficient. So unlike DOS there is no need to split up
- large disks into multiple partitions to keep block size down. Use the
- 1 KB default block size if possible. You may want to experiment with a
- block size of 2 KB for some partitions, but expect to meet some seldom
- exercised bugs: Most people use the default.
- 3.5. File lifetimes and backup cycles as partitioning criteria
- With ext2, Partitioning decisions should be governed by backup
- considerations and to avoid external fragmentation from different file
- lifetimes.
- Files have lifetimes. After a file has been created, it will remain
- some time on the system and then be removed. File lifetime varies
- greatly throughout the system and is partly dependent on the pathname
- of the file. For example, files in /bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin
- and similar directories are likely to have a very long lifetime: many
- months and above. Files in /home are likely to have a medium
- lifetime: several weeks or so. File in /var are usually short lived:
- Almost no file in /var/spool/news will remain longer than a few days,
- files in /var/spool/lpd measure their lifetime in minutes or less.
- For backup it is useful if the amount of daily backup is smaller than
- the capacity of a single backup medium. A daily backup can be a
- complete backup or an incremental backup.
- You can decide to keep your partition sizes small enough that they fit
- completely onto one backup medium (choose daily full backups). In any
- case a partition should be small enough that its daily delta (all
- modified files) fits onto one backup medium (choose incremental backup
- and expect to change backup media for the weekly/monthly full dump -
- no unattended operation possible).
- Your backup strategy depends on that decision.
- When planning and buying disk space, remember to set aside a
- sufficient amount of money for backup! Unbackuped data is worthless!
- Data reproduction costs are much higher than backup costs for
- virtually everyone!
- For performance it is useful to keep files of different lifetimes on
- different partitions. This way the short lived files on the news
- partition may be fragmented very heavily. This has no impact on the
- performance of the / or /home partition.
- 4. An example
- 4.1. A recommended model for ambitious beginners
- A common model creates /, /home and /var partitions as discussed
- above. This is simple to install and maintain and differentiates well
- enough to avoid adverse effects from different lifetimes. It fits well
- into a backup model, too: Almost noone bothers to backup USENET news
- spools and only some files in /var are worth backing up
- (/var/spool/mail comes to mind). On the other hand, / changes
- infrequently and can be backuped upon demand (after configuration
- changes) and is small enough to fit on most modern backup media as a
- full backup (plan 250 to 500 MB depending on the amount of installed
- software). /home contains valuable user data and should be backuped
- daily. Some installations have very large /homes and must use
- incremental backups.
- Some systems put /tmp onto a seperate partition as well, others
- symlink it to /var/tmp to achieve the same effect (note that this can
- affect single user mode, where /var will be unavailable and the system
- will have no /tmp until you create one or mount /var manually) or put
- it onto a RAM disk (Solaris does this for example). This keeps /tmp
- out of /, a good idea.
- This model is convenient for upgrades or reinstallations as well: Save
- your configuration files (or the entire /etc) to some /home directory,
- scrap your /, reinstall and fetch the old configurations from the save
- directory on /home.
- 5. How I did it on my machine
- There was this old ISA bus 386/40 sitting on my shelf that I abandoned
- two years ago because it no longer cut it. I was planning to turn it
- into a small X-less server for my household LAN.
- Here is how I did it: I took that 386 and put 16 MB RAM into it.
- Added a cheap EIDE disk, the smallest I could get (800 MB) and an
- ethernet card. Added an old Hercules because I still had a monitor for
- it. Installed Linux on it and there I have my local NFS, SMB, HTTP,
- LPD/LPR and NNTP server as well as my mail router and POP3 server.
- With an additional ISDN card the machine became my TCP/IP router and
- firewall, too.
- Most of the disk space on this machine went into the /var directories,
- /var/spool/mail, /var/spool/news and /var/httpd/html. I put /var on a
- separate partition and made this one large. There will be almost no
- users on this machine, so I created no home partition and mounted
- /home from some other workstation via NFS.
- Linux without X plus several locally installed utilities will be fine
- with a 250 MB partition as /. The machine has 16 MB of RAM, but it
- will be running many servers. 16 MB swap should be in order, 32 MB
- should be plenty. We are not short on disk space, so the machine will
- get 32 MB. Out of sentimentality a MS-DOS partition of some 20 MB is
- kept on it. I decided to import /home from another machine, so the
- remaining 500+ MB will end up as /var. This is more than sufficient
- for a household USENET news feed.
- We get
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Device Mounted on Size
- /dev/hda1 /dos_c 25 MB
- /dev/hda2 - (Swapspace) 32 MB
- /dev/hda3 / 250 MB
- /dev/hda4 - (Extended Container) 500 MB
- /dev/hda5 /var 500 MB
- homeserver:/home /home 1.6 GB
- ______________________________________________________________________
- I am backing up this machine via the network using the tape in
- homeserver. Since everything on this machine has been installed from
- CD-ROM all I have to save are some configuration files from /etc, my
- customized locally installed *.tgz files from /root/Source/Installed
- and /var/spool/mail as well as /var/httpd/html. I copy these files
- into a dedicated directory /home/backmeup on homeserver every night,
- where the regular homeserver backup picks them up.